Collection: Scopas
Brand: Artemide  
Specifications: Created through the repetition of an elementary module, this suspension lamp consists of a sphere with an incomplete structure. Ever changing in its appearance, depending on the point it is viewed from, it radically breaks the mould of the pure and sometimes monotonous forms that normally characterise this kind of lamp. Like the Death Star of the Empire in Star Wars, immobile in space, its apparent incompleteness is contrasted with its technical efficiency.
Collection: Silent Field 2.0
Brand: Artemide  
Specifications: Suspension appliance with sound absorption properties: the material’s characteristics and the appliance’s geometry ensure a reduced reverberation time. The sound absorption effect is optimized for the frequencies of human voice. The varying densities of the material used for the lower panel promote the absorption of different frequencies. Both the upper and the lower surface of the appliance feature sound-absorbing properties. Appropriate positioning of the appliance in space is crucial to optimize sound absorption.
Collection: Silent Field 2.0
Brand: Artemide  
Specifications: Suspension appliance with sound absorption properties: the material’s characteristics and the appliance’s geometry ensure a reduced reverberation time. The sound absorption effect is optimized for the frequencies of human voice. The varying densities of the material used for the lower panel promote the absorption of different frequencies. Both the upper and the lower surface of the appliance feature sound-absorbing properties. Appropriate positioning of the appliance in space is crucial to optimize sound absorption.
Collection: Silent Field 2.0
Brand: Artemide  
Specifications: Suspension appliance with sound absorption properties: the material’s characteristics and the appliance’s geometry ensure a reduced reverberation time. The sound absorption effect is optimized for the frequencies of human voice. The varying densities of the material used for the lower panel promote the absorption of different frequencies. Both the upper and the lower surface of the appliance feature sound-absorbing properties. Appropriate positioning of the appliance in space is crucial to optimize sound absorption.
Collection: Spectral Light
Brand: Artemide  
Specifications: “The lamp is made of 12 light wavelengths emitted by 12 LEDs of different semiconductors corresponding to 12 wavelengths peaks perceived by the living species we have chosen: human, dog, cat and plants. To avoid any unnecessary risks to people with macular degeneration related to age, we don’t emit short blue-violet wavelengths under a minimum of 470 nm, because the wavelengths between 415 nm and 455nm (and mainly at 430 nm) are dangerous to the retina of these people with AMD. Wavelengths which ultimately make up the lamp are therefore to humans 470 nm (blue), 534nm (green), 564nm (amber). For the dog 470 nm (blue) and 555nm (lime). For the cat 500nm (cyan) and 556 nm (green) and for plants 470nm (blue) and 662 nm (deep red). Then we group some of the 12 wavelengths between animal and plant species that are close. We then multiply the number of LEDs of some lengths proportionally to the spectral intensity of sunlight in order to replicate natural sunlight quality when all LEDs are on. A special «night»program is proposed, keeping only the wavelengths above 550nm. The convex shape of the upper part of the globe allows to direct the 12 wavelengths lights which are then transmitted by transparent glass rays towards the low opaline surface of the glass globe to converge their lights and colors to be mixed and homogenized to produce the white light spectrum of the sun’s natural light by addition and synthesis of colors.” Philippe Rahm ArchitectsPatent Pending N° 102016000037066
Collection: Stablight
Brand: Artemide  
Specifications: The Stab light are produced with very traditional bohemian handblowing technology. Its handblowing to wooden moulds.The moulds are produced by hand as well, from hard and wet wood.The glass masters are using glass blowing pipe as basic instrument, gathering several layers of glass in variouse colors and by mouth blowing and shaping with hand tools prepares shape which is very close to the moulds shape.In final stage the glass masters puts the pre-shaped hot glass into the mould and finish the piece to the final shape, which is given by exact form of the mould.After the “hotshop” production phase the vases are finished on cutting shop, where additional parts are cutted out and surface is polished to high gloss.This production process stays on extraordinary skills of glass masters, who are passing their experience from generation to generation.
Collection: Stablight
Brand: Artemide  
Specifications: The Stab light are produced with very traditional bohemian handblowing technology. Its handblowing to wooden moulds.The moulds are produced by hand as well, from hard and wet wood.The glass masters are using glass blowing pipe as basic instrument, gathering several layers of glass in variouse colors and by mouth blowing and shaping with hand tools prepares shape which is very close to the moulds shape.In final stage the glass masters puts the pre-shaped hot glass into the mould and finish the piece to the final shape, which is given by exact form of the mould.After the “hotshop” production phase the vases are finished on cutting shop, where additional parts are cutted out and surface is polished to high gloss.This production process stays on extraordinary skills of glass masters, who are passing their experience from generation to generation.
Collection: Stablight
Brand: Artemide  
Specifications: The Stab light are produced with very traditional bohemian handblowing technology. Its handblowing to wooden moulds.The moulds are produced by hand as well, from hard and wet wood.The glass masters are using glass blowing pipe as basic instrument, gathering several layers of glass in variouse colors and by mouth blowing and shaping with hand tools prepares shape which is very close to the moulds shape.In final stage the glass masters puts the pre-shaped hot glass into the mould and finish the piece to the final shape, which is given by exact form of the mould.After the “hotshop” production phase the vases are finished on cutting shop, where additional parts are cutted out and surface is polished to high gloss.This production process stays on extraordinary skills of glass masters, who are passing their experience from generation to generation.
Collection: Stablight
Brand: Artemide  
Specifications: The Stab light are produced with very traditional bohemian handblowing technology. Its handblowing to wooden moulds.The moulds are produced by hand as well, from hard and wet wood.The glass masters are using glass blowing pipe as basic instrument, gathering several layers of glass in variouse colors and by mouth blowing and shaping with hand tools prepares shape which is very close to the moulds shape.In final stage the glass masters puts the pre-shaped hot glass into the mould and finish the piece to the final shape, which is given by exact form of the mould.After the “hotshop” production phase the vases are finished on cutting shop, where additional parts are cutted out and surface is polished to high gloss.This production process stays on extraordinary skills of glass masters, who are passing their experience from generation to generation.
Collection: Stablight
Brand: Artemide  
Specifications: The Stab light are produced with very traditional bohemian handblowing technology. Its handblowing to wooden moulds.The moulds are produced by hand as well, from hard and wet wood.The glass masters are using glass blowing pipe as basic instrument, gathering several layers of glass in variouse colors and by mouth blowing and shaping with hand tools prepares shape which is very close to the moulds shape.In final stage the glass masters puts the pre-shaped hot glass into the mould and finish the piece to the final shape, which is given by exact form of the mould.After the “hotshop” production phase the vases are finished on cutting shop, where additional parts are cutted out and surface is polished to high gloss.This production process stays on extraordinary skills of glass masters, who are passing their experience from generation to generation.
Collection: Stablight
Brand: Artemide  
Specifications: The Stab light are produced with very traditional bohemian handblowing technology. Its handblowing to wooden moulds.The moulds are produced by hand as well, from hard and wet wood.The glass masters are using glass blowing pipe as basic instrument, gathering several layers of glass in variouse colors and by mouth blowing and shaping with hand tools prepares shape which is very close to the moulds shape.In final stage the glass masters puts the pre-shaped hot glass into the mould and finish the piece to the final shape, which is given by exact form of the mould.After the “hotshop” production phase the vases are finished on cutting shop, where additional parts are cutted out and surface is polished to high gloss.This production process stays on extraordinary skills of glass masters, who are passing their experience from generation to generation.
Collection: Stablight
Brand: Artemide  
Specifications: The Stab light are produced with very traditional bohemian handblowing technology. Its handblowing to wooden moulds.The moulds are produced by hand as well, from hard and wet wood.The glass masters are using glass blowing pipe as basic instrument, gathering several layers of glass in variouse colors and by mouth blowing and shaping with hand tools prepares shape which is very close to the moulds shape.In final stage the glass masters puts the pre-shaped hot glass into the mould and finish the piece to the final shape, which is given by exact form of the mould.After the “hotshop” production phase the vases are finished on cutting shop, where additional parts are cutted out and surface is polished to high gloss.This production process stays on extraordinary skills of glass masters, who are passing their experience from generation to generation.
Collection: Stablight
Brand: Artemide  
Specifications: The Stab light are produced with very traditional bohemian handblowing technology. Its handblowing to wooden moulds.The moulds are produced by hand as well, from hard and wet wood.The glass masters are using glass blowing pipe as basic instrument, gathering several layers of glass in variouse colors and by mouth blowing and shaping with hand tools prepares shape which is very close to the moulds shape.In final stage the glass masters puts the pre-shaped hot glass into the mould and finish the piece to the final shape, which is given by exact form of the mould.After the “hotshop” production phase the vases are finished on cutting shop, where additional parts are cutted out and surface is polished to high gloss.This production process stays on extraordinary skills of glass masters, who are passing their experience from generation to generation.
Collection: Stablight
Brand: Artemide  
Specifications: The Stab light are produced with very traditional bohemian handblowing technology. Its handblowing to wooden moulds.The moulds are produced by hand as well, from hard and wet wood.The glass masters are using glass blowing pipe as basic instrument, gathering several layers of glass in variouse colors and by mouth blowing and shaping with hand tools prepares shape which is very close to the moulds shape.In final stage the glass masters puts the pre-shaped hot glass into the mould and finish the piece to the final shape, which is given by exact form of the mould.After the “hotshop” production phase the vases are finished on cutting shop, where additional parts are cutted out and surface is polished to high gloss.This production process stays on extraordinary skills of glass masters, who are passing their experience from generation to generation.
Collection: Stablight
Brand: Artemide  
Specifications: The Stab light are produced with very traditional bohemian handblowing technology. Its handblowing to wooden moulds.The moulds are produced by hand as well, from hard and wet wood.The glass masters are using glass blowing pipe as basic instrument, gathering several layers of glass in variouse colors and by mouth blowing and shaping with hand tools prepares shape which is very close to the moulds shape.In final stage the glass masters puts the pre-shaped hot glass into the mould and finish the piece to the final shape, which is given by exact form of the mould.After the “hotshop” production phase the vases are finished on cutting shop, where additional parts are cutted out and surface is polished to high gloss.This production process stays on extraordinary skills of glass masters, who are passing their experience from generation to generation.
Collection: Stablight
Brand: Artemide  
Specifications: The Stab light are produced with very traditional bohemian handblowing technology. Its handblowing to wooden moulds.The moulds are produced by hand as well, from hard and wet wood.The glass masters are using glass blowing pipe as basic instrument, gathering several layers of glass in variouse colors and by mouth blowing and shaping with hand tools prepares shape which is very close to the moulds shape.In final stage the glass masters puts the pre-shaped hot glass into the mould and finish the piece to the final shape, which is given by exact form of the mould.After the “hotshop” production phase the vases are finished on cutting shop, where additional parts are cutted out and surface is polished to high gloss.This production process stays on extraordinary skills of glass masters, who are passing their experience from generation to generation.
Collection: Stablight
Brand: Artemide  
Specifications: The Stab light are produced with very traditional bohemian handblowing technology. Its handblowing to wooden moulds.The moulds are produced by hand as well, from hard and wet wood.The glass masters are using glass blowing pipe as basic instrument, gathering several layers of glass in variouse colors and by mouth blowing and shaping with hand tools prepares shape which is very close to the moulds shape.In final stage the glass masters puts the pre-shaped hot glass into the mould and finish the piece to the final shape, which is given by exact form of the mould.After the “hotshop” production phase the vases are finished on cutting shop, where additional parts are cutted out and surface is polished to high gloss.This production process stays on extraordinary skills of glass masters, who are passing their experience from generation to generation.
Collection: Stablight
Brand: Artemide  
Specifications: The Stab light are produced with very traditional bohemian handblowing technology. Its handblowing to wooden moulds.The moulds are produced by hand as well, from hard and wet wood.The glass masters are using glass blowing pipe as basic instrument, gathering several layers of glass in variouse colors and by mouth blowing and shaping with hand tools prepares shape which is very close to the moulds shape.In final stage the glass masters puts the pre-shaped hot glass into the mould and finish the piece to the final shape, which is given by exact form of the mould.After the “hotshop” production phase the vases are finished on cutting shop, where additional parts are cutted out and surface is polished to high gloss.This production process stays on extraordinary skills of glass masters, who are passing their experience from generation to generation.
Collection: Stellar Nebula
Brand: Artemide  
Specifications: Stellar Nebula is a family of suspension lamps designed by BIG to interpret and enhance artisan glass blowing with innovative finishing techniques. Values, roles and limits of industrial and artisanal production are the core of this project idea, which aims to find a solution of industrial uniqueness. Three different sizes of blowing moulds generate pieces that are always unique. The glass that is created is then treated with an innovative dichroic finishing process. Artisan know-how and industrial innovation thus come together in the beauty of the material that enhances the magic of the interaction between glass and light.
Collection: Stellar Nebula
Brand: Artemide  
Specifications: Stellar Nebula is a family of suspension lamps designed by BIG to interpret and enhance artisan glass blowing with innovative finishing techniques. Values, roles and limits of industrial and artisanal production are the core of this project idea, which aims to find a solution of industrial uniqueness. Three different sizes of blowing moulds generate pieces that are always unique. The glass that is created is then treated with an innovative dichroic finishing process. Artisan know-how and industrial innovation thus come together in the beauty of the material that enhances the magic of the interaction between glass and light.
Collection: Stellar Nebula
Brand: Artemide  
Specifications: Stellar Nebula is a family of suspension lamps designed by BIG to interpret and enhance artisan glass blowing with innovative finishing techniques. Values, roles and limits of industrial and artisanal production are the core of this project idea, which aims to find a solution of industrial uniqueness. Three different sizes of blowing moulds generate pieces that are always unique. The glass that is created is then treated with an innovative dichroic finishing process. Artisan know-how and industrial innovation thus come together in the beauty of the material that enhances the magic of the interaction between glass and light.
Collection: Talo
Brand: Artemide  
Specifications: Talo suspension
Collection: Talo
Brand: Artemide  
Specifications: Talo suspension
Collection: Talo
Brand: Artemide  
Specifications: Talo suspension
Collection: Talo
Brand: Artemide  
Specifications: Talo suspension
Collection: Talo
Brand: Artemide  
Specifications: Talo suspension
Collection: Talo
Brand: Artemide  
Specifications: Talo suspension
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Rala La
Rala La
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Michele Fiascaris
Michele Fiascaris
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Usman Ahmad
Usman Ahmad
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Clément Houles
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Deividas Petuska
Deividas Petuska
a year ago
I ordered tiles from this company, and I must say, their delivery service wasexceptional. The tiles were delivered promptly and in perfect condition. The packaging was secure, ensuring that the tiles remained intact during transit.
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