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New ceramic collection by Michael Anastassiades

We are excited to announce that Michael Anastassiades has joined the Mutina team. His new ceramic collection will be on display at Milano Design Week in 2023.

Giuliana and Massimo met each other casually, and didn't think too much about working on a project together until later. It took a while, but they eventually decided that it was the right time to do something together. The project turned out to be better because they waited.

Michael Anastassiades is a designer from Cyprus who founded his own studio in London in 1994. He has a degree in civil engineering and a master's in industrial design, and he is interested in exploring the modern concepts of culture and aesthetic. His personal approach is based on the preservation of the inherent qualities of materials, which is important to Mutina as well. Mutina has always been interested in exploring new creative balances through the use of technology, matter and functions. Anastassiades has created furnishings, lighting and decorative objects that are inspired by references from Cyprus, the history of Modernism, everyday life, personal memories and art.

I have been a designer for a long time, and I enjoy creating beautiful designs for things like websites, products, and logos.

After completing my civil engineering studies, I realized that I didn't enjoy the field as much as I thought I did. I didn't know what I liked, but I knew what I didn't like. So, I decided to explore design. It's still a new field to me, and I'm still learning more about it every day.

I was very interested in electronic objects when they first became popular, and I was especially fascinated by how they were changing our lives and the space around us. Mobile phones, new ways of communication, and text messaging were all new at that time, and I wanted to learn more about how they were designed. So, I started looking at design as a way to explore the subject matter. I was asking questions more than providing answers.
It took a while for me to start questioning my role as a designer and the relationship between design and industrial production. I think it was an interesting shift, and that's what I'm still exploring today.

Mutina is a company that helps people work on new projects together. You first contacted them to work on a new project together, and they agreed. The project developed smoothly and you all got along well.

We met informally under different circumstances, and we didn't immediately think or talk about the project. It took a couple of years before we actually started working on something together. It was better this way. We started working on the project when Covid asked me to come up with an idea.
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